Yes, all users are bouncing...
I have opened the MySQL tables in navicat and they look identical to other domains (on other servers) that DO work.
I have tried a telnet session -- same result (error message is sent)
I have also tried a telnet session to SUBMIT email -- and that works fine!
I agree that the large value for number of users is of no consequence, although I reset it to zero already

Thanks for the ideas...

Daniel McAllister, President

2171 Wrens Way
Clearwater, FL 33764

877-IT4SOHO: Toll Free
727-647-7646 In Pinellas
813-464-2093 In Hillsborough
727-507-9435 Fax Only

"When did you do your last backup?"

Ask me about unattended backup solutions...
to protect your business, not just your data!

Jean-Paul van de Plasse wrote:
Hey Dan,
A few questions.. Are all accounts in the domain giving a bounce?
When you look in the table beloning to the domain , does it look ok?
Have you tried a telnet smtp session ?
The mysql 2147483647 (max mysql signed int value) is not the problem if you ask me, I have severall domains with this value and never had any problems with those. JP

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* Dan McAllister <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    *Sent:* Tuesday, July 17, 2007 5:57 PM
    *Subject:* Re: [qmailtoaster] Domain bouncing mail, vuser says
    user is fine -- still a problem


    I enabled the vpopmail user as a shell account (changed the entry
    in /etc/passwd, then used su)
    I tried the vuserinfo command:
    $vuserinfo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    ... and received an identical response.

    I believe that this effectively shuts down the MySQL error assertion.

    Unless qmail-send isn't running as the correct user...
    but I just checked -- qmail-send is running as user qmails as
    intended (or at least the same as on my other servers).

    The saga continues, and my clients are getting louder! :(

    Daniel McAllister, President

    2171 Wrens Way
    Clearwater, FL 33764

    877-IT4SOHO: Toll Free
    727-647-7646 In Pinellas
    813-464-2093 In Hillsborough
    727-507-9435 Fax Only

    "When did you do your last backup?"

    Ask me about unattended backup solutions...
    to protect your business, not just your data!

    Dan McAllister wrote:
    I'll put my responses up here this time:

    1) Yes, the MySQL server is local (same machine as qmail-toaster)
    2) If qmail-send is having trouble looking up names, it must be a
    MYSQL problem... as root, I can perform the following:
    # vuserinfo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    name:   user
    passwd: $1$OUEk3eHa$14lfEMjiA.tX6nuT1m5.m1
    clear passwd: password
    comment/gecos: My User Name
    uid:    0
    gid:    0
    flags:  0
    gecos: My User Name
    limits: No user limits set.
    dir:       /home/vpopmail/domains/
    quota:     NOQUOTA
    usage:     NOQUOTA
    last auth: Tue Jul 17 10:23:51 2007
    last auth ip: imap

    (I have removed personal data from the above snippet)

    Florida definitely has its share of "growing pains" these days...
    hard to fathom the folks over in Orlando letting things get so
    outta hand that the home of Disney World is considered to be too
    dangerous to raise a family! (You shoulda come to St.
    Pete/Clearwater! Then again, no -- I don't need the competition! :-))

    Daniel McAllister, President

    2171 Wrens Way
    Clearwater, FL 33764

    877-IT4SOHO: Toll Free
    727-647-7646 In Pinellas
    813-464-2093 In Hillsborough
    727-507-9435 Fax Only

    "When did you do your last backup?"

    Ask me about unattended backup solutions...
    to protect your business, not just your data!

    Jake Vickers wrote:
    Dan McAllister wrote:
    You can use recordio to see what qmail-smtp is doing, and
    maybe see where the break is. I've been traveling the last few
    days so I haven't kept up on the threads much. What OS and
    version? Behind a NAT firewall or public? Are just the /home
    and /backup dirs on NFS?
    Turns out the error is now coming from qmail-send (earlier it
    was qmail-smtp, but the MySQL fix seems to have gotten it thru
    qmail-smtp and on to qmail-send.
    The exact error message in QMLOG send is:
    2007-07-17 10:06:40.201173500 new msg 2261131
    2007-07-17 10:06:40.201177500 info msg 2261131: bytes 1551 from
    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 21254 uid 89
    2007-07-17 10:06:40.211859500 starting delivery 9: msg 2261131
    to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    2007-07-17 10:06:40.211864500 status: local 1/10 remote 0/60
    2007-07-17 10:06:40.215288500 delivery 9: failure:
    2007-07-17 10:06:40.215294500 status: local 0/10 remote 0/60
    2007-07-17 10:06:40.229608500 bounce msg 2261131 qp 21257
    2007-07-17 10:06:40.229613500 end msg 2261131

    I still missed some details, so if you put them in the email, I
    apologize.  Was the mysql DB on a different machine?
    It would seem that it's having issues looking up the names in
    the DB at first glance. Can you turn on recordio and see what
    exactly is going on?
    I'll be away from a PC for most of the day, but I'll try and
    check in later.

    You're not that far from me. My office is in Orlando, but I'm
    moving to North Carolina this month. I'll still be in Orlando
    a couple days a month though, since that's where the bulk of
    my clients are right now.
    I realized that a few months back... so you're evacuating to NC
    like all the rest, eh? My parents left for NC about 10 years
    ago (outside of Cashiers, NC these days). So many ex-Floridians
    in NC, they're going to have to build a new Disney up there! :-)

    Aye. And they don't like Floridians up here, so I neglect to
    tell them I just moved from there (I'm in Burlington). I'm from
    Michigan originally, so I'm a true half-back.
    And let's see.... Houses are 1/2 the price of Florida...
    Property taxes are 1/8th, car insurance is 1/3, power bill will
    be 1/3 (don't need the AC as much.....), etc.  Orlando's murders
    are up 137% this year, violent crimes are up 41%, 40% of all
    drivers are uninsured, 15,000 people a day run red lights (they
    have cameras that provide this info, but they don't issue
    tickets by that method yet), it was voted the angriest city in
    America, the sickest (as far as flu cases and contact/hygiene
    related illnesses), the 3rd worst as far as traffic congestion
    in the US, and the list goes on and on.  With our son due in
    October, I wanted to raise him somewhere a little more wholesome
    if that makes sense.

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