The problem arises single at some moments of the day at other moments are no

2007/7/24, Janno Sannik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

way too few infomation to suggest anything.

have you tried telnetit to port 110 to your mailserver from computer you
have problems with?
have you tried disabling antivirus/firewall on that computer and tried
to pop?

Richard Lopez wrote:
> Maybe there is an error in my Qmailtoaster Server or an error in
> either a program or a service that's having a conflict with POP3.
> Maybe some configuration is missing because when the users try to
> download their mails from Outlook, it take a long time and then the
> following error appears:
> ..error Ox8004210A the operation timed out waiting for a response from
> the receiving (POP) server. If you continue to receive this error
> your server administrator or ISP.

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