There is some information at

I'm using rsync for migrating from one to another system. After having installed all RPM's, a rsync via the network keeps all owner/group settings for the files. Of course you have to check/modify some files (like "assign"). This way of copying works best when the qmail-toaster versions are identical the old and the new server. Btw:"--dry-run" is a nice parameter for rsync, which can be used to show what rsync would do without the parameter.

The mysql-database must be dumped on the old server and inserted on the new 
server, too.

Here is what I am copying during migration:

#courier configuration
rsync -tvrlog --delete /etc

#vpopmail domains
rsync -trlog --delete /home

#qmail configuration
rsync -tvrlog --delete /var/qmail
rsync -tvrlog --delete /var/qmail
rsync -tvrlog --delete /var/qmail
rsync -tvrlog --delete /var/log

#isoqlog data
rsync -tvrlog --delete 
rsync -tvrlog --delete 

Best regards,

Sandip Kumar Das, RDG Systems schrieb:
Dear all,
How do i copy vpopmail domains & mailboxes of all users manually from one server to another ? In old server domains uids are 7797 ( checking /var/qmail/users/assign ) but in new server domains uids are 89. If I manually created all old domains in new server , the uids will be 89. and then how do i copy all the users and their maildirectories from old server to new server ? pl suggest. Am I to copy vpopmail database from old to new ? Thanks in advance, Sandip


|  weberhofer GmbH               | Johannes Weberhofer
|  information technologies
|  Austria, 1080 Wien, Blindengasse 52/3

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