
I'm afraid I do NOT know of a way to make the QMT IMAP server (courierIMAP) do what you want (so you can do an IMAP before SMTP kind of thing).... however:

IMHO, you should be using authenticated smtp instead of pop-before-smtp (that is, make the users provide a username/password before sending -- it is already "configured" for that in the QMT, and the username/password combo is the same as for the POP or IMAP account). Users just have to check an extra box when configuring their email.

Now, to get on my HIGH HORSE... Personally, I think that POP3 & IMAP4 are two of the most DANGEROUS protocols we (as admins) allow on our systems! Why? Because by default, each of these sends the username/password information in cleartext over the open Internet. My systems do not accept POP3 (port 110) or IMAP4 (port 143) connections except from LAN hosts. Instead, I FORCE SSL connections (port 995 for POP, 993 for IMAP). The drawback is that you need to have a REAL SSL certificate installed, or else your users will get a warning message about an invalid certificate every time their Outlook makes an initial connection to the server.

REAL SSL Certificates are a small pain (and a small price to pay) for the added security -- but I've been happy with RegisterFly's reseller price of $10/year (I charge my clients $25 to account for my extra time setting them up). NOTE: Last time I checked, had some REAL customer service problems -- so much so that they lost their ICANN certification as a Domain Registrar. That MAY have been resolved (there is no longer a warning banner on their website), but I've NEVER had a problem with an SSL certificate -- it's all automated, and other than having some "proof of identity" issues, I've been VERY happy with RegisterFly. (I contemplated moving ALL my domains over there, until I read about them loosing their ICANN certification!)

Anyway -- if anyone knows of a cheaper way to get a valid SSL Certificate, let me know!

OK... so now I'm getting OFF my HIGH HORSE! :-)

Finally, if you're intimidated with the whole PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) and want help getting & installing an SSL Certificate, contact me off-list and I'll be happy to help (for a normal consulting fee).

I hope this helps.... SOMEONE!


Daniel McAllister, President


Taxxolo wrote:
Hi all,
i'm using pop before smtp with roaming users on a QT mailserver and i read that
only the pop3 access updates the ips in relay table of vpopmail database.
Is there a way to enable that imap access makes it too??
I've got another server with plesk and qmail and it does it using "couriertcp" process
instead of tcpserver.
Thanks for any help! Regards,

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