According to the Wiki, QTP-config can be used to set certain parameters for use with the build of every package on the system. However, I cannot quite seem to figure out how to do so. qtp-config -- help only shows the option -s, which does not seem to do anything. qtp-config itself just outputs what the current values are.

I ask because, as previously mentioned on-list, I have build a mail server for myself using qmt that is running on an FC8 installation. Everything is running fine. But an update would likely run into the same problems I initially ran into when attempting to install this, since the packages themselves are not built with SPEC files that indicate what to do with an FC8, and would error out to trying to run some other distribution. I'd like to set the distribution in the RPMBUILD_OPTIONS for qtp-config to fdr60 so that I can avoid those problems.

How should these variables be set?


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