Just wanted to share some of my upgrading experience tips.  Nothing like
learning the hard way.

qtp-newmodel is a great thing.

However, I had issues with HTML::Parser version for the Spamassassin
upgrade.  I upgraded it using CPAN and it still would not work.  Come to
find out that:

CPAN and RPM do not acknowledge each others upgrades.  In other words, if
you upgrade with CPAN, it does not change the version number recognized as
installed by RPM, which apparently, newmodel uses the RPM one.

BTW RPMForge/DAG is your friend.  I used this from an earlier post to get
my RPM's up and running.

The qtp-sandbox is a great thing.

However, since I had errors in an install and wanted to start over by
using a NEW sandbox - blow the old one away. (I found that I had to use a
new sandbox to get the RPM issue finally fixed.) I had issues geting the
sandbox to umount.

fuser is your friend.  This command can be used to find out which
processes are running on the mount to keep it from unmounting.  The
command can even be used to kill such processes - Great (DANGER WILL
ROBINSON - you might not want to kill your own prompt if you are in that

fuser -u /mnt/qtp-sandbox/

lists the process ids and users which are using that mount.

fuser -k /mnt/qtp-sandbox/

kills the processes that are using that mount - nice, now I can umount or
just run qtp-newmodel again.

And finnaly, be sure you remove your pluggins for SquirrelMail.  I did
remember to do that, but did not remember to rename the Shared Calendar
plugin folder which gets clobbered by the original calendar.  No worries,
just had to reapply patches and add the pluggins back.  Also, had to
reinstall shared-calendears but the old data was there.

Thanks for listening

As Dan always says:

Hope this helps.... somebody.

Kent Busbee
Director of Technology
Northlake Christian School

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