I have a new qmt-iso install, and It has been working very well since Jan
18th until about a week ago. When users would have messages stuck in the
outbox in both Outlook Express and Outlook. Then emails would be sent
multiple times. This is not limited to the Outlook/Outlook Express users.
Many of my users are also seeing outside emails multiple times. I have
looked in the archives and seen other toaster users with the same problem.
The solutions seem to point at spammassassin and clamav consuming a lot of
cpu time. This new install I have does not seem to be all that busy as it
was with a previous qmail install. Maybe 57% usage when a large attachment
is being scanned by clamav. Most of the time less than 10% cpu usage. Are
there any other suggestions as to stopping multiple identical messages from
being passed to the inboxes of the toaster?
Ray Webster

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