Email:     8490  Autolearn:  1623  AvgScore: -16.40  AvgScanTime:  4.07 sec
Spam:      1355  Autolearn:    22  AvgScore:   7.29  AvgScanTime:  3.30 sec
Ham:       7135  Autolearn:  1601  AvgScore: -20.90  AvgScanTime:  4.22 sec
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tom Manliclic 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 2:55 PM
  Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Illegal division by zero in sa-stats

  I think the same sa-stats command was executed when I got the error the only 
  now is that I have atleast one spam. So you're right the first time when you 
said a script bug. 
  Anyway it is not that alarming what is important is SA does its job.

  Thank you very much for clearing this up. I'm learning more in managing QTP 
because of your support.

  Keep up the great work.


  Jake Vickers wrote: 
    Tom Manliclic wrote: 
      No errors using /usr/sbin/sa-stats command. Here is what I got.

      Email:      151  Autolearn:     0  AvgScore:   0.31  AvgScanTime:  1.41 
      Spam:         1  Autolearn:     0  AvgScore:   7.00  AvgScanTime:  1.20 
      Ham:        150  Autolearn:     0  AvgScore:   0.27  AvgScanTime:  1.41 

    That's good.  That's the version of sa-learn included with QTP.  The 
version included with Spamassassin assumes that you're storing your spam logs 
in the format that postfix/sendmail/exim uses, which is NOT what qmail uses.
    Anyway, that gives you your stats that you're looking for, so run that 
version and not the other one.

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