
I am currently managing 6 toasters, and most are a 1-5 domain
dedicated machine with about 50-100 users each, but one of them is
housing approximately 300 domains, with a guestimate of 5-20 users per

As for the config, I would suggest modifying the scripts to work with
spamdyke. It gives the end users a nice easy way to manage it (for
those who do not follow the RBL's them selves), and more options on
how strict they wish to be.

Just my $0.02


On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Eric Shubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> dnk wrote:
>  > Hello all,
>  >
>  > I have had a bunch of toasters running along just great.
>  What's a bunch? Care to share # of toasters, domains?
>  > I have built a new one, and installed the recent qtp. Love it.
>  > Spamdyke is a breeze to throw in now.
>  >
>  > What I am wondering, is with spamdyke installed, how does that effect
>  > the other programs that are in the qtp-menu? IE the blacklists, etc.
>  > Are they essentially useless (once spamdyke is installed) since the
>  > install disables the RBL's and such in the run file? OR are they still
>  > of use?
>  The only qtp program that spamdyke effects (ttbomk) is blacklists. The qtp
>  blacklists are no longer effective with spamdyke. I haven't decided yet
>  whether to upgrade the qtp-set-rbls script to modify the spamdyke
>  configuration or simply eliminate it from the package.
>  What do y'all think? Is it useful at all?
>  --
>  -Eric 'shubes'
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