the QMT's Guru has spoken,
you should take that advice

Eric Shubert wrote:
You might consider removing vqadmin-toaster entirely. It's not really
necessary, and it's broken in some areas (like adding domains).

chun keat wrote:
Hi PakOgah,

Thanks for your reply however, i wish hide the password colunm instead
of display it out, beside the mysql way, another way i can do it like
modify the php script ?


On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 9:15 PM, PakOgah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hi Chun,
    you can create a simple sql query like on your vpopmail.domain_com table
    and put it in bash shell then add to cron like what I did

    # script to blank out clear text password
    /usr/bin/mysql -u vpopmail -pSsEeCcRrEeTt -h localhost vpopmail -BNe
    "UPDATE my_domain_com SET pw_clear_passwd=''"

    the last quotes is
    single quote, single quote, double quote

    SsEeCcRrEeTt with your vpopmail password
    my_domain_com with your domain's table name

    chun keat wrote:


           *I am testing on* **QmailToaster-ISO, however I found that the
           password column is display as plain text which is not acceptable
           by my top management. ( please refer to attachment file) So may I
           know got any way to remove the password column to display out**


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