Jake Vickers wrote:
Lucian Cristian wrote:
I'm finishing the debian setup, all is ok, except vqadmin and the fact that `qmailctl stat` shows 0 seconds for every service.
The services are running ok, also the logging .
The counter will work after a qmailctl stop followed by a start. Anyone has any ?

I haven't looked at your Deb build yet (sorry!). Does a sleep function for qmailctl have any effect? The replacement for vqadmin I'm working on will work under Debian as a side note. I'll be in Florida next week, but I hope to get some time to work on it the week afterwards.

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The problem appears only at the system bootup , I don't have many options to add in qmail startup script, because is only this:

env - PATH="$PATH" svscan &
echo $! > /var/run/qmail-svscan.pid

I tried lowering and rising the default boot priority with no avail, if I ad an entry of `qmailctl start` in rc.local it will not work either.
I'll try a default install of daemontools from debian repo.


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