senthil vel wrote:
Dear Jake,

        "You can skin Squirrelmail" means , design a skin for
squirrelmail? or there are skins available? because i really dont know
PHP or such design languages.....

Yes. You can either design your own or hire someone to do it for you. There are thousands of programmers out there looking for work in today's economy. You can continue to use Roundcube as well - it's your server. I was just making you aware that the version that Qmailtoaster-Plus downloads has a huge security hole and that your machine will probably be taken over by hackers if you continue to use it. It's up to you if you want to follow my advice or not. I do not know if the newer versions of Roundcube have the same exploit. I honestly don't have enough time to keep up with the security patches and fixes for their package. If you want to research this and let the list know, I'm sure they would all be grateful.

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