My time zone is correct, and I’m sorry for the request return receipts.





Borderless Consulting Group SA de CV.

Noel Alban Rivera Rivera

Jefe de Redes y Telecomunicaciones

Tel. (915) 633-61-04

Nextel 62*142650*2

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From: Phil Leinhauser [] 
Sent: Martes, 19 de Mayo de 2009 10:28 a.m.
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Incorrect time


Have you checked your timezone?  Being off exactly hours not minutes is
usually timezone related.  

Also, please turn off your return receipts.  On mail lists it's considered
rude and generates a lot of un-needed traffic.

> Hello List, I have a problem with my server, I received my mails with
> incorrect time, example, If I send a message now (10:12 AM), I received
> the
> mail in 20 o 30 seconds but I received the header time with the time to
> 12:12 PM. I check the server time with date command and the console say
> the
> time to 10:12 AM.
> some comments to solve this issue?
> Qmailtoaster is sponsored by Vickers Consulting Group
> (
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> installations.
> If you need professional help with your setup, contact them today!
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