Eric Shubert wrote:
Good question. I don't know the answer to that off hand.

Michael Colvin wrote:
Oh, I totally agree, Eric. I guess my point was trying to find out if there
was any reason they needed to do it that way...  Really, the eMPF
functionality should be on his internal server, not the external relay
server... Then, the internal server could relay to the QMT w/o having eMPF
on it, and the internal server would still limit user e-mails.

Unless of course the users also connect from externally...

Couldn't he also have the internal server relay via port 587 to the toaster?
Does eMPF look at 587 traffic also?

I'm 99% sure that it does, since it's a patch applied to the smtp daemon in a global sense.
Also, isn't this a Spamdyke config issue with the IP addres?

11-10 16:07:45 spamdyke[27917]: DENIED_OTHER from: to: origin_ip: origin_rdns:

It reads to me that it was denied because of "DENIED_OTHER" by spamdyke for origin_rdns.
It's late, so correct me if I'm wrong.

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