On 07/26/2010 04:35 AM, Christian Ferrati wrote:


I installed the last version of Qmail Toaster on Centos 5.5 and on this mail server I only have one domain with 100 mail boxes;

I would create one mail s...@mydomain.com <mailto:s...@mydomain.com> and I 'd like to move in this mail-box ALL e-mails with the header **SPAM** my SpamAssasin service already processed.

Is it possible to create a new rule in spamassassin (file local.cf) for moving in a single mail box all processed spam e-mails?

Spamassassin only scores messages - it does not move them. You need to use something like maildrop (already included) to do this. Carefully plan what you are doing as well - this will create additional administrative work on the admin's end.

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