I meant chkuser mailing list... I am not completely awake it seems...

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Martin Waschbuesch
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 3:04 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: Disable CHKUSER

Hi all,

I wonder about this one... First of all, I agree with Jake that MX
verification is rather important.
However, the problem at hand is also a nuisance: Why should one bad address
out of 15 in the list cause all mails to not be delivered?

I guess the solution here would rather be looking at some way to solve that
issue and leave the rest as it is, meaning that all good addresses on a list
should be properly sent the mail and all addresses that fail MX check should
not go out.

At any rate, disabling a complete check because the check does not do what
it should is a poor solution. Rather fix the real issue...

So, can someone isolate where that problem has its root and then we could
figure out how to address the underlying issue? My guess would be someone
would have to either look at the code for checkuser or take it up with the
vpopmail mailing list?

I'd be happy to attempt looking into this...


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Jake Vickers
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 2:10 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: Disable CHKUSER

On 11/12/2010 07:15 PM, Michael Colvin wrote:

On 11/12/2010 12:38 PM, Michael Colvin wrote:
OK…  So, I’ve got some clients that send mails out to affiliates of
theirs via rather large distribution lists. When at least one, maybe
more, of those addresses are bad, they get the “Sorry, can’t find a
valid MX for rcpt domain” bounce that, basically is bouncing the whole
message, so even the valid recipients don’t get the e-mail.

I’ve searched the archives, particularly:
and haven’t really found anything that helps…Unless I’m doing something

I’ve tried removing the references to CHKUSER_RCPT_MX in tcp.smtp, then
issued qmailctl cdb, same issue. I tried setting CHKUSER_RCPT_MX=””, and
CHKUSER_RCPT-MX=”0”… Nothing. Tried setting

I’ve read where the default CHKUSER config is to have these commented
out, but it appears that this isn’t the QMT default, per the linked
thread above.

How do I go about commenting these out in CHKUSER’s config, and then
“Rebuild” QMT? I installed from the CentOS 5 ISO.

I simply don’t want to check the MX for any e-mail on these particular
servers…I’d rather the client get bounces for those e-mails, so they can
clean up their lists.


-Eric 'shubes'

Thanks Eric...Not sure how I missed that...I know I dug around on the Wiki
during my searches...

Tossing my .02 into the earlier thread that I linked too, I would agree with
your comment that these settings should be something that are "Enabled" in
tcp.smtp...  That would be more "User" friendly.

Another item for Jake's already full "to-do" list.  :-)

And also one I disagree with. We've had some discussion (and argument)
on this topic several times.
If you look at the number of downloads versus questions concerning
modifying chkuser, one out of every (roughly) 5000 people wants to
modify it (and almost ALWAYS to work around an issue such as this -
laziness on someone elses part). Now this number is small,
comparatively. If the setting gets added to the tcp.smtp file, now we're
exposing those other 4999 people to potentially turning an option they
want on off, or stopping mail flow, from a typo in their tcp.smtp file.
For the record, I am completely against changing this option. I think a
MX check SHOULD be mandatory, for many reasons.

Now, to stop the flame war that will ensue, the new version will use the
default chkuser settings. All other options will need to be enabled in
the tcp.smtp file or recompiled in.

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