On 10/29/2011 9:05 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
On 10/29/2011 06:51 PM, Casey wrote:
On 10/29/11 6:03 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
Spamdyke's settings can be tailored by domain, although it's not
something I think an end user can configure. If people want or need
better spam filtering, I would suggest adjusting the spamdyke
Fair enough. I suppose it does make the most sense to make the best use
of the resources I already have readily available. Do you have any good
examples or specifics on how I might tailor filtering settings for a
certain domain or account? Basically I have this customer saying that
are interested in doing more comprehensive filtering for one account,
and possibly more down the road and are willing to pay a "premium" to
get this service. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to meet
their needs. Suggestions are definitely very welcome ;-)

I would ask what they mean by more comprehensive filtering. Many users don't really understand spam too well, and have all sorts of (mostly bad) ideas about how to deal with it. Simple is best.

Then, I would suggest they simply show you examples of spam they've received (including headers), and you can figure out how to tailor spamdyke to reject them or spamassassin to tag them. I'm betting they won't have much to show you.

A little tuning of spamdyke and spamassassin goes a long way.

Spamassassin isn't well suited for individual account spam rules. You
might consider using DSPAM instead if that's a major requirement.
I was setting up DSPAM a while back on a Debian server I have at home
that was running Postfix. I had some trouble getting it all working, and
ended up setting up ASSP (Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server) which acted as
the gateway and then passed mail to Postfix. Its actually still running
on that server and seems to work pretty well. I guess that might be
another route...anyone ever tried ASSP with Qmail?

I haven't. I've read good things about ASSP, but haven't been willing enough to part with spamdyke in order to try it out.

that is the way I do it.. Most customers do not have a clue on how spam happens or occurs so it is left to us to deal with and educate the clueless.


David Milholen
Project Engineer

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