 It is Webmin.. I have used it a few times to view the queue.
sometimes it is very slow and clunky because it is on the same machine having the issues.

On 5/3/2012 9:32 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
On 05/03/2012 01:04 AM, dani wrote:
Dear All

I have problem with my qmailtoaster (smtp), every day my qmail-queue
send a lot of mail from other domain to the other domain too.

What is the problem, I don’t understand .


Thank u


First of all, are you running spamdyke? If not, do so. (

These messages appear to me to be backscatter (some spammer has forged email addresses from your domain). First step to cutting these back is to set up a SPF record (DNS TXT) for each one of your domains.

Please do these things, and we can go from there if the problem persists.

P.S. Wow, what are you using to get that Mail Queue list? I'm thinking it should be in the stock QMT.


David Milholen
Project Engineer

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