Greetings all QMT lovers!

As I approach the finish line on the Mirror Refresh Project (we should be back up to 9 or even 10 mirrors very soon now), I'm going to start a new project: Over the past year or so, we've had some attrition in our DNS server ranks. As a result,*I'm asking for**some "fresh blood" -- **volunteer**s to help act as **DNS servers**for the QMT project.*

The QMT project deploys a widely diversified DNS infrastructure... as such, the "load" on any one server is very VERY minimal.

Our "goal" in setting this up was to have DNS servers all around the world, and so we have them named by continent:

   dns-na = North America
   dns-eu = Europe
   dns-as = Asia
   dns-af = Africa
   dns-sa = South America

(We currently have no participants from Australia [dns-au] or Antarctica [dns-an] -- and I honestly wouldn't expect the latter!) Like the mirrors, we assign numbers to each specific server -- so there is a dns-na1, dns-na2, dns-eu1, etc...

Originally, we had 5 NA sites, 3 EU sites, 2 sites each in AS and AF, and 1 site in SA... However, we are currently down to 3 NA, 3 EU, and 1 each for AS, AF, & SA.

While I'm not worried yet (9 concurrent DNS servers is still sizable), it should be pointed out that both Bharath and I supply 2 DNS servers each.... so the loss of either one of us would be a 20+% loss to the project. *Therefore, I am asking for volunteers to get us back up to the 12-15 sites we originally envisioned.*

_*What's required:
*_To volunteer, you need to have a stable Linux server on a static IP address (behind a NAT firewall is fine), you should be running BIND 9 or 10, and you need to have *both UDP and TCP* ports 53 opened on your firewall (/UDP packets are used for DNS queries, TCP connections are used for update notifications and subsequent zone transfers/).

The configs are very easy -- and the actual zone file is downloaded (synched) from a main server. However, we do limit who can do a full zone transfer, and so like with the mirror volunteers, you'll need to let us know to add you to the permission list before we can get you fully setup.

_*IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER, please write to me DIRECTLY (do not reply to the list!)*_. The address is /**/.

*_Thanks for reading!_*

*_Dan McAllister_*
*_QMT DNS/Mirror Admin


PO Box 507
St. Petersburg, FL 33731-0507


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