For brevity

_3) RE: QMT and vpopmail incompatibilities with newer PHP versions:_ The incompatibility has been addressed in the wiki for YEARS now -- it is simply caused by a change in the default settings for PHP, and the "fix" is particularly simple (a change in /etc/php.ini). My "CentOS 6 install script" (which I need to find time to revisit), automatically makes the PHP change to CentOS 6 systems, and I have at least a dozen sites running "stock" QMT & QMTplus installs on CentOS 6 systems. (NOTE: I only use 64-bit installs, so I have not tested any of my scripts on i686 versions of CentOS).

I am sorry CJ jumped over to Postfix, as I'm sure that was a headache -- just in learning a new MTA! But the PHP issue was actually minor (qmailadmin and admintoaster web pages didn't load properly), and was easily fixed.

I actually mis spoke, while I did have problems with PHP it was the segmentation faults that made me change. Something in an update killed vadddomain and other functions of vpopmail which I could not resolve. If I had stayed away from non standard repos I would have been fine, but this modification killed vpopmail and adding and removing domains is somewhat critical to an MTA's core function. I did read up on adding domains by hand, but thought that was too cumbersome. Surprisingly Postfix only took me a day to setup and configure to my liking. I prefer Qmail, but for the moment this works, along with my YUM updates. The upside, now I'm somewhat proficient in two MTA's!

So that's enough for one day... in summary:
1) I stand by my assertions that a) QMAIL doesn't DO DNS, it USES DNS; b) you don't HAVE to run your own DNS resolver, but you should; and c) DNS issues are not QMT issues -- each admin will likely have their own DNS infrastructure suitable for their own situation. 2) I don't agree that authoritative DNS and other services need to be on separate machines... in fact, I disagree that that is even a "best practice" anymore! 3) QMT and vpopmail are fully compatible with newer PHP versions, and with CentOS 6... What will happen with RHEL 7 (due out in 2nd half of 2013 or 1st half of 2014) is yet to be seen. (Will QMT officially support RHEL 6 before the release of RHEL 7???)

Yours in Service :-)
Always appreciated.

Dan McAllister
QMT DNS/Mirror Admin & general stirrer up of trouble! :)

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