On 03/19/2014 02:56 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:

Glad it worked out, Thomas.

If you have something to add to the wiki, let us know and we'll get you a login set up for it. :) This is something that likely many more people will be dealing with in the future, as dovecot becomes the permanent replacement for courier-imap and qmail-pop3d.

I would be happy to add to the wiki or send along a white page with notes (to add what you find relevant).

I did make a mistake in the process and added the "protocol pop3 {...}" lines (from the wiki) in the local.conf when it was already in the toaster.conf file (ooops, but, both are still called by the dovecot.conf file; yet makes redundant what was already in the toaster.conf file). I got no duplicate emails in an Outlook client but was spooked by nothing coming in, uncomented, restarted the server and got loads of dupes. (Again, small company, no problem.) However, I added it back, rebooted and still a (different) "Mac mail" client experienced the same thing. (Maybe the redundant protocol info was canceling out; I don't know.) I removed the redundant info from the local.conf file and changed the toaster.com file to match what was in the wiki; rebooted. I won't know if duplicates continue to occur until I get a complaint from others...

My question:

The info already in the /etc/dovecot/toaster.conf file for the "pop_uidl_format" line reads "# pop3_uidl_format = UID%u-%v" instead of "... %f" (as in the qmailtoaster wiki). I added the line from the wiki (...%f) and restarted to follow protocol. The dovecot.org POP3 migration instruction shows a server list designating "qmail-pop3d: pop3_uidl_format = %f" (matching the wiki) and the %u and %v options for other server designations. Should I/we be using what was stock in the dovecot build you provided me (UID%u-%v) or stick with the %f (qmail-pop3d)? (The answer seems clear but I want to make sure toaster doesn't need a special option incorporated into your build...)

Let me know what you would like from me with the wiki...

Thank you, again.

Thomas M. Jaeger

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