Hi Jaime,

I'd be glad to add instructions for Let's Encrypt SSL cert but couldn't find them on the mailing list.

Yes, those two commands should do it barring repo propagation issues. I ALWAYS want to update to the latest but I'm ALWAYS hesitant to do it when things works well. I suppose I have a healthy fear of breaking stuff. ;-)

FYI I just updated my CentOS 6 (to 1.03-1) server and CentOS 7 (to 1.03-2.1) servers and things seems to work fine on both, although I had to bump the softlimit on CentOS 6 server from 5000000 to 64000000 for submission. All seems good.


On 4/20/2017 8:13 AM, Jaime Lerner wrote:
Hey Eric,

Was just looking at the docs at qmailtoaster.org and thought it might be nice to add in the instructions to use a free Let's Encrypt SSL cert with qmail.

Mine has been running smoothly (including all the auto-renewals). There's instructions somewhere in the threads from me from the time I first got it going. The only thing I would add to those instructions would be the crons I set up to auto-renew and auto-generate the file for qmail.

Just a thought since you have some other releases. By the way, just to confirm...should we want to update to the latest QMT you just posted, we would just run the two commands you have listed, correct?

Update CentOS 7/QMT
   1) # yum update
   2) # yum --enablerepo=qmt-testing update

White Horse Technical Consulting (WHTC)

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