Oh, the dreaded outlook.com hosted mail...  I went through this a few days ago. 
 Qmail has an issue with the results bind gives for personal domains hosted at 
outlook.com. I found two solutions that worked:

1) I routed mail for the outlook hosted domain through an instance of 
mailcleaner that I had on my network. 

2) switch local DNA resolution to djbdns using the script at 

Both solutions resulted in successful delivery. I would use option 2 if you 
can, so you don't have to fiddle your delivery rules every time someone sends 
email to a new domain hosted at outlook.com

-Sent from my Pip-Boy 3000

> On Jun 12, 2017, at 4:44 PM, Jeff Koch <jeffk...@intersessions.com> wrote:
> This is interesting and maybe I'm overthinking this but on all of my qmail 
> toaster servers (three old Bill's Toaster and one new QMT server) when I try 
> to send an email to this address or any address at the domain grupodecor.com 
> I get:
> <mbelt...@grupodecor.com>:
> Sorry, I couldn't find any host named grupodecor.com. (#5.1.2)
> I can do an nslookup on the mailservers and get the MX record
> nslookup -q=mx grupodecor.com
> Non-authoritative answer:
> grupodecor.com  mail exchanger = 0 grupodecor-com.mail.protection.outlook.com.
> and,
> nslookup grupodecor.com
> Non-authoritative answer:
> Name:   grupodecor.com
> Address:
> Can anyone help explain this?
> Thanks, Jeff

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