Is there a plain text vpasswd file?

In my mind 1 and 2 could easily be scripted and 3 copied (rsync'ed) into place.

On 10/26/2017 7:51 AM, Jeff Koch wrote:

I have a fairly big mailserver (over 1,000 domains) built with Bill's Toaster. It uses vpasswd.cdb files rather than a mysql table. What's the best way to migrate to the QMT toaster?

I see the issues as:

1. converting the vpasswd text and cdb files to the vpopmail mysql tables

2. converting the 'forwards' to the mysql alias table

3. editing the '.qmail' maildrop filters to look for the filter files in a different location. (This probably can be handled via symlink)

1 & 2 above are the biggest concern. There's no way we're manually migrating running a SED and mysql vpopmail table load for each of 1,000 domains.

Any thoughts or recommendations? I'd like to hear from someone that's actually done a large migration.

Regards, Jeff Koch

Eric Broch
White Horse Technical Consulting (WHTC)

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