I've disabled spamdyke, the source of the 421 timeout error; but I'm still
getting re-delivery of emails.  Not as frequently, but I've received the
same two emails a dozen times today.

Has anyone else experienced this before?


On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 7:30 AM Chris <boh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A few nights ago I shut down the VM that my qmailtoaster runs on, bumped
> the memory up to 4g, and restarted it.  First reboot in a long while, so I
> was nervous.  Everything seemed fine.
> The next day I noticed that there were a couple of emails I had deleted
> that had re-appeared.  I'd delete them again, and they'd come back again.
> My mail client shows date sent and date received, and they were definitely
> all the same sender time.  Checking the logs, I see the same set of email
> being re-accepted in /var/log/qmail/smtp/current over and over.
> Finally I have a clue.  Gmail sent me a delivery warning about one of the
> emails, as it was a test message from myself, and it says my server is
> responding with error:
> 421 Timeout. Talk faster next time.
> So it seems the email is getting accepted, but then the sending server is
> given an error 421, so it queues it up for re-delivery.
> Any suggestions on what I should be looking at to figure this out?
> -Chris

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