I apologize, Carl.

I removed qt version of clamav from repo. I though everyone had converted. I was wrong.

Have a look here at these scripts, simscan directories need changing as well :


chown clamscan:root /var/qmail/simscan
chown clamscan:root /var/qmail/bin/simscan
chmod 0750 /var/qmail/simscan
chmod 4711 /var/qmail/bin/simscan
chown -R clamupdate:clamupdate /var/lib/clamav

On 1/16/2021 10:49 AM, CarlC Internet Services Service Desk wrote:
Ran into an issue where last night, two of my servers with clamav 101
versions updated to 103.

After the update, the old clam was running, so if you reboot, you find that
clam is not starting. In order to fix:

1) Install clamd
        Yum install clamd

2) uncomment the "LocalSocket" in /etc/clamd.d/scan.conf so LocalSocket is

3) add clamd to system startup
        Systemctl enable clamd@scan
        Note: the @scan says to use the scan.conf file in step 2

4) start clamd
        Systemctl start clamd@scan

5) enable clamav-freshclam
        Systemctl enable clamav-freshclam
        Systemctl start clamav-freshclam

6) To check that they are enabled, find them using:
        Systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled

Where this was biting me was my older Centos 7 installations that had the
qmail clamav setups and converted to EPEL clamav.


P.s. If I missed anything, feel free to correct and post back to the list.

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