On 13 Oct 2022, at 12:12, Jeff Koch wrote:

I think this would indicate that our Dovecot IMAP supports TLSv1.2 and should work with the Outlook updates.

Yes, looks like a successful TLS 1.2 connection.

When testing with openssl, I would add the `-tls1_2` option to force use of that protocol:

    openssl s_client -connect example.com:993 -tls1_2

Also test submission on port 587 (and you can try testing smtp on port 25, although most networks block outgoing port 25 so you might not get a valid result):

    openssl s_client -connect example.com:587 -starttls smtp -tls1_2


Although, I like to use https://testssl.sh/ (`brew install testssl` on macOS) which gives easier to understand and more thorough results:

Test submission (with STARTTLS on port 587):

    testssl.sh -t smtp mx.strangecode.com:587

Test imap (with SSL-only on port 993):

        testssl.sh example.com:993


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