Johann Reyes wrote:
Hello Ben

You are using JSON-RPC, have you tried DWR? In my case I'm using it, it
works fairly well, but I'm wondering how you implement JSON-RPC with

Here is a example how I implement dwr with qooxdoo:
Whilst DWR is a good project, I have adopted JSON-RPC because it's a formal standard with broader server-side platform support. I consider this important because frameworks like Qooxdoo provide a very welcome opportunity to collaborate with non-Java programmers. Collaboration beyond the Java community not only encourages the development of a broader community and critical mass of server agnostic projects like Qooxdoo, but it also brings different design approaches together and this benefits everyone.

In terms of Spring integration with JSON-RPC, I wrote a Spring BeanPostProcessor. I could polish it some more (like named beans in addition to a marker interface), but basically it's shown below. It locates any bean in the application context which implements the JsonExportable marker interface.

public interface JsonExportable {}

public class JsonBridgeBeanPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object obj, String beanName) throws BeansException {
       return obj;

public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object obj, String beanName) throws BeansException {
       if (obj instanceof JsonExportable) {
           JSONRPCBridge.getGlobalBridge().registerObject(beanName, obj);
       return obj;

To use JSON-RPC in Java, go download it from, then add the JAR to your classpath and add to web.xml:



Client-side use it amazingly simple. There is a jsonrpc.js you need to include, and then you simply execute:

QxSettings.serverUrl = "/acegi-ajax/JSON-RPC";
var jsonrpc = new JSONRpcClient(QxSettings.serverUrl);

I am not using the JSON-RPC Java implementation's session-based support, as I use Acegi Security for security instead.


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