On Monday 04 December 2006 03:59, Gordon Sim wrote:
> Steve Vinoski wrote:
> > Hi Gordon, I guess the issue here is that qpid-run is specifically
> > intended to work within the layout of the installed package environment.
> > We could
> >
> > 1. Write a new script to be used within your svn working copy, perhaps
> > boiling the common parts of it and the qpid-run script into a separate
> > file that each of them source so as to prevent scripting duplication.
> >
> > 2. Augment qpid-run so that it can also run within the svn working copy.
> My thought was that if there was an easy way to do it we could have a
> task (or maven equivalent) that setup the installed package layout. We
> used to have this with the ant build.
> The benefit is that it easily allows the same scripts and config files
> to be used in development that will be used for an installed release.
> That in turn makes it more likely that those artifacts are kept in
> working order and have any wrinkles ironed out quickly.

In the assembly (like bin.xml), you should just be able to change 
the "formats" section to read something like:


I've never tried it though.   I'm not sure how well that works (or what then 
happens at install/deploy time for the dir).

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727    C: 508-380-7194

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