The bad news:  I did introduce a bug.
The good news:  My tests caught it. Travis complained.

Pull Request:


This code does not increment $count correctly:

+    my $count = $self->connection->notes('unrec_cmd_count') || 0 + 1;
+                           $self->connection->notes('unrec_cmd_count', $count 

The operator precedence is subtle.  It bit me, and it's likely to bite others. 
So I changed it to this:

+    my $count = $self->connection->notes('unrec_cmd_count') || 0;
+                           $self->connection->notes('unrec_cmd_count', 
++$count );

Which does increment correctly.

This also works (note the parens), which is how it was done before. 

+    my $count = ($self->connection->notes('unrec_cmd_count') || 0) + 1;
+                           $self->connection->notes('unrec_cmd_count', $count 

Which one is easier to read and maintain?  Both seem equal to the task.


On Jun 3, 2012, at 11:46 PM, Matt Simerson wrote:

> On Jun 3, 2012, at 11:41 PM, Ask Bjørn Hansen wrote:
>> On Jun 3, 2012, at 19:00, Matt Simerson wrote:
>>> removed hook_connect, unnecessary.
>> I think it's there so if you log or otherwise use the note, it'll be 
>> reasonably initialized.
> It's not used anywhere else in qpsmtpd or plugins, except in 
> hook_unrecognized_command, where it already had code to initialize it, if it 
> wasn't already. 
>>> -  if ($badcmdcount >= $self->{_unrec_cmd_max}) {
>>> -    my $msg = "Closing connection, $badcmdcount unrecognized commands.";
>>> -    $self->log(LOGINFO, "fail: $msg");
>>> -    return (DENY_DISCONNECT, "$msg Perhaps you should read RFC 2821?");
>>> -  }
>>> +    if ( $count < $self->{_unrec_cmd_max} ) {
>>> +        $self->log(LOGINFO, "'$cmd', ($count)");
>>> +        return DECLINED;
>>> +    };
>> Why is the new version better?   (Other than just being different).
> One less hook to call (efficiency)
> Better error message (also logs count).
> Matt

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