Within the register sub of the clamdscan plugin, is this little nugget:

    # Set some sensible defaults
    $self->{'_args'}{'deny_viruses'} ||= 'yes';
    $self->{'_args'}{'max_size'}     ||= 128;
    $self->{'_args'}{'scan_all'}     ||= 0;

Having a default enable for denying viruses is sensible enough. 

But a max_size of 128K? You mean all a virus author needs to do is attach an 
image to his virus laden message to evade virus scanning on a qpsmtpd server?  
Is that really a sensible default?  

My first inclination is that max_size should default to whatever 
$config->data_bytes is set to. Why would such a low limit be considered 

The other thing I'm questioning is why scan_all=0 is the 'sensible' default.  
If one is going to bother running a virus scanner, it would seem the "safe" 
choice is to scan everything. Should it be as easy as inserting an illegal 
character into the Content-Type field value (which would get ignored later), to 
bypass multipart detection, and thus virus scanning?


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