If using dig you can either do:

dig -x


dig PTR

That is going to query the primary name server listed in /etc/resolv.conf
- so unless it has a reverse zone setup for the l27.x block you will not
get an answer back or you will get an answer like the one you have below.

What¹s the actual problem you are trying to solve though?

Edward McLain
Director of Cloud Architecture
Solutions Architect, VCP, CDCDP

Please direct all support questions to our support team at
host...@teklinks.com <http://mailto:host...@teklinks.com/> or 205.314.6634.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Favor <da...@davidfavor.com>
Date: Thursday, July 17, 2014 at 10:58 AM
To: Edward McLain <emcl...@teklinks.com>
Cc: qpsmtpd <qpsmtpd@perl.org>
Subject: Re: qpsmtpd-async weird ParaDNS lookup problem

>Ed McLain wrote:
>> For an IP you need to lookup the PTR in reverse notation
>> ( vs an A record which is name to IP.  PTR is IP
>> Name.
>Oops... Hit reply rather than reply-all...
>Resending via reply-all...
>If I understand correctly, you're asking about this...
>    dig
>which returns the same on machines where qpsmtpd-async is working
>and the one machine where it's broken...
>    127.in-addr.arpa.    604800    IN    SOA    localhost.
>root.localhost. 1 604800 86400 2419200 604800
>If you're referring to something else, give me an exact command + what
>I should be looking for.

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