Am 09.01.2018 um 17:23 schrieb Seth Raymond:
yes. for example, a conscientious committer will want to revise the file
list when during writing the commit message they notice that the commit
is non-atomic. happens to me all the time.

Would a "back"/"cancel" button at the commit message window that
returns you to the file selection window be sufficient?

I'm quite sure that would break my workflow. And in all the yars I'm working with Creator, you're the first one that had such a requirement.

 I'm not particularly familiar with git gui, I've only ever used git > out of 
the terminal (and am now learning Qt Creator's git plugin).

Invoking git via the terminal is a series process, so obviously
the process in the GUI could be done in series.

I don't think so. Well, you can stage files also in Creator before commiting; but I think most people will just open the commit dialog and work from there. But if you have a suggestion how this "new way of commiting in series" could look like, you're welcome to present.

You lose an aspect of convenience for the
sake of "proper" functionality. But I'm not the one who makes those
decisions; I just wanted to report a deficiency I saw and see if there
were any known workarounds.

Our team is just skipping the Creator git plugin altogether and will
be using git via the terminal/preferred GUI that works with the hooks
we've written.

Would you tell us which "preferred GUI" allows you to do that?

fwiw, qtc is imo still inferior to git gui regarding fine-grained
commits - the diff view and chunk-level staging are kinda hidden, and
line-wise staging apparently isn't there at all.
in fact, the selective staging context menu is outright broken in 4.5 -
there is no indication which actions make sense, and there are
duplicated actions.

Sounds to me like I'm not the only person having problems with the
plugin. Hopefully some extra functionality will be added in the future
to make the plugin line up better with git tools already in place
elsewhere. Creator is an *integrated* development environment, after

Come on, Creators Git integration is the best I have seen so far. The only thing I miss, is an integrated Merge tool...


On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 9:56 AM, Oswald Buddenhagen
<> wrote:
On Tue, Jan 09, 2018 at 09:03:14AM -0500, Seth Raymond wrote:
Is there a strong reason to keep the process in its current,
parallelized state?

yes. for example, a conscientious committer will want to revise the file
list when during writing the commit message they notice that the commit
is non-atomic. happens to me all the time.

fwiw, qtc is imo still inferior to git gui regarding fine-grained
commits - the diff view and chunk-level staging are kinda hidden, and
line-wise staging apparently isn't there at all.
in fact, the selective staging context menu is outright broken in 4.5 -
there is no indication which actions make sense, and there are
duplicated actions.
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