I have some trouble to run QTCreator debug build. I have build 4.6 branch (
previously 4.5 too) with Qt 5.10 and mingw delivered in Qt on Windows 7.
All the time I got such stacktrace:

1  WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit
 OSAllocatorWin.cpp 57   0x20ef3649
2  WTF::PageAllocation::allocate
PageAllocation.h   99   0x20ef9802
3  QV4::ExecutionEngine::ExecutionEngine
qv4engine.cpp      188  0x20ef9802
4  QV8Engine::QV8Engine
 qv8engine.cpp      150  0x21036f8d
5  QJSEngine::QJSEngine
 qjsengine.cpp      293  0x20ee394c
6  QJSEngine::QJSEngine
 qjsengine.cpp      280  0x20ee3977
7  Core::Internal::JsExpanderPrivate::JsExpanderPrivate
 jsexpander.cpp     41   0x3328e4fd
8  Core::JsExpander::JsExpander
 jsexpander.cpp     82   0x33179ce4
9  Core::Internal::MainWindow::MainWindow
 mainwindow.cpp     115  0x331621c5
10 Core::Internal::CorePlugin::initialize
 coreplugin.cpp     152  0x331c96ea
11 ExtensionSystem::Internal::PluginSpecPrivate::initializePlugin
pluginspec.cpp     994  0x6a595306
12 ExtensionSystem::Internal::PluginManagerPrivate::loadPlugin
pluginmanager.cpp  1412 0x6a58b510
13 ExtensionSystem::Internal::PluginManagerPrivate::loadPlugins
 pluginmanager.cpp  1245 0x6a58a35c
14 ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::loadPlugins
pluginmanager.cpp  366  0x6a5853b4
15 qMain                                                          main.cpp
         530  0x40839e
16 WinMain *16
qtmain_win.cpp     104  0x40a5c5
17 main

SIGSEGV was received.
I do not know exactly where to go from here, maybe its Qt 5.10 bug and
someone already heard about it (I cannot find any refernce about it).

Thx for all help !

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