Hi Christian,

I'm feeling stupid now... I totally missed the fact that the parser needs to be enabled in the projects Run settings - which totally makes sense.

You already have a hint there where to configure the parsers, however having a hint in the reverse direction would have helped:


Thank you all for your help, it works nicely now.

Best regards,

Am 07.08.20 um 15:12 schrieb Christian Stenger:
Hi Andre,

I had a similar issue...: you have custom output parsers on the build *and* on 
the run settings of a project.
I had added them only to the build settings and wondered as well.. Enabling 
them on the run settings helped here..


From: Qt-creator <qt-creator-boun...@qt-project.org> on behalf of Christian Kandeler 
Sent: Friday, August 7, 2020 2:56 PM
To: qt-creator@qt-project.org
Subject: Re: [Qt-creator] Has anyone got the new custom parsers running?

On Fri, 7 Aug 2020 14:02:06 +0200
André Hartmann <andre.hartm...@iseg-hv.de> wrote:

I've created a project with a main.cpp like that:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
       printf("main.cpp:5: Hello World\n");
       return 0;

Running that gives me the following Application Output:

13:49:52: Starting /home/user/build-Test/Test ...
main.cpp:5: Hello World
13:49:52: /home/user/build-Test/Test exited with code 0

I've then added a new Custom Output Parser in Tools > Options >
Build & Run > Custom Output Parsers with the following
pattern: "(.*):(\d+): (.*)" (without quotes, of course), which
passed the test text "main.cpp:5: Hello World" (without quotes) in
the  Custom Parser dialog. Capturing stdout and stderr was both enabled.

After pressing Ok, I've run my program again, the output appeared in
Application Output, but nothing happened in the Issues pane.

I've expected the message to appear in the Issues pane.

Is there any obvious wrong in my test?

No, and your example works for me.
Are you sure you're not filtering anything relevant? Note that custom parsers currently 
all have the type "compile output", even for run configurations.

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André Hartmann, Dipl. Ing. (FH)
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E-Mail: andre.hartm...@iseg-hv.de
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