On 11/10/21 15:13, Adam Light wrote:
I don't use Linux so I can't test, but it seems that indexing is faster on Linux? I'm curious to know how long it takes to index Creator's sources, if you know.

On my 4-core CPU (plus hyper-threading), I observe that clangd starts four worker threads, resulting in a constant 50% CPU load. Indexing Qt Creator on an otherwise idle machine takes 65 minutes this way.

Manually setting the thread count to 8 gets the CPU load up to 99% and indexing Qt Creator takes 20 minutes.

So it seems that on Linux, the default worker thread calculation takes only physical cores into account, but otherwise things work more or less as you'd expect. On other host systems, there appear to be some problems regarding CPU utilization, from what I've read here.


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