Dimitri Frederickx wrote:

>I've removed the line:
>But removing this line still generate the error:
>GraphicsProxyWidget::setWidget: cannot embed widget 0x1ec1b6e0 that is not a 

Ah, I see now that you are using the VideoPlayer class. The video widget 
you get from this has the video player as its parent. You need to use 
the VideoWidget class directly in order to embed it in the graphics view.

>Since there are no snapshots available of Qt Jambi like there are for Qt, will 
>it for 
>example be possible to publish weekly builds of 4.4 with the latest bugfixes?

Release management is looking at the possibility of getting snapshots of 
Qt Jambi. Whether they are daily or weekly doesn't really matter, I 
think, as it will have to all be automated. I'm not sure when there will 
be time to set this up, though, and I doubt we'll see any snapshots 
before the final 4.4 release.

However, you should be able to build the Qt Jambi source package against 
a snapshot of Qt 4.4 to replace the native libraries you are running 
against. I believe the VideoWidget-problem is fixed in the Qt sources, 
so that should hopefully be sufficient to get this to work for you. Mind 
you, I haven't tested that this actually solves the problem, but I 
believe it should work.

-- Eskil

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