BrĂ¡ulio Barros de Oliveira wrote:
> I think there might have a bug on the QtSql driver for JDBC and 
> PostgreSQL server. I'm able to connect properly to it and create data 
> models with qsqlrelationalsqltablemodel. After setTable call I can 
> successfully add data to the database. However, after a select() call 
> I can't do it anymore and also I can't update any data, and the 
> behaviour of the view is very unpredictable.
> I really need support for this database, so I can help to find out the 
> bug.
> Does the postgres qt sql  driver support  8.3 version?


This appears to be a bug in Qt Jambi's JDBC driver which prevents you 
from using the relational table model for updating the database.

It will be fixed for the next patch release of Qt Jambi.

-- Eskil

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