this is probably related to 
but I though I'd give additional information about this.

I have VertexItems (based on QGraphicsItem) and PolygonItems (based on 
QGraphicsPolygonItem). PolygonItems should have VertexItems as children, 
so when I move a polygon it's vertices would also move.

I'm setting up the PolygonItem from my own Polygon class like this:

public void setMyPolygon(Polygon poly) {
        this.polygon = poly;
        this.color = new QColor(poly.getColor().getRed(), 
poly.getColor().getGreen(), poly.getColor().getBlue(), 

        setBrush(new QBrush(color));

        // Create the Qt polygon
        QPolygonF qPoly = new QPolygonF();
        // Add the vertices
        for (Vertex v : poly.getVertices()) {
                qPoly.add(v.position.x, v.position.y);

                // Add them as children VertexItems
                VertexItem vItem = new VertexItem(v);
                vItem.setParentItem(this); ///// <--- CRASHES HERE!


The line vItem.setParentItem(this) causes the crash. That occurs only
when either VertexItem and/or PolygonItem have overridden itemChange().

Even when I just supply the default implementation, it will crash. For 
example, on VertexItem:

public Object itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, Object value) {
        return super.itemChange(change, value);

So the bottom line is, itemChange() can be overridden when the items are 
not in any kind of parent/child relationship.

Unfortunately, I cannot continue my project too far without this being 
fixed. :( Hopefully you get it resolved for the next Qt Jambi update. Is 
there any work arounds for this? I'd really need to know when the 
Vertex/Polygon item positions change..

Anyways, thanks for the great work on Qt + Qt Jambi! :)

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