
So, after some try, It compiles !!
But it doesn't work at runtime: the qt_menu.nib is missing !
It seems that it is this bug:
What is the workaround ? I can't understand how it can work without this
file, or how can I provide it ?


2010/9/16 Samu Voutilainen <s...@smar.fi>

> On Sunday 12 September 2010 10:10:08 Benoit DECHERF wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I can't compile qtjambi on macosx 10.6.
> > The error is:
> > library.native.bundle:
> > Processing Mac OS X install_name...
> >  - updating: libQtCore.4.dylib
> > install_name_tool: can't open file: /libQtCore.4.dylib (No such file or
> > directory)
> > Running: 'install_name_tool, -change, libQtCore.4.dylib,
> > @loader_path/..//libQtCore.4.dylib, /libQtCore.4.dylib' failed.
> > at com.trolltech.tools.ant.Exec.exec(Exec.java:92)
> > at
> >
> com.trolltech.tools.ant.PlatformJarTask.processOSXInstallName(PlatformJarTask.java:538)
> >
> > subdir seems to be never initialized in this LibraryEntry ? Using
> > absoluteSourcePath of relativePath make it compile.
> >
> > But it still fail at runtime (it also fail with 4.6.3, with another
> error):
> >
> > With 4.7:
> > -------
> > Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
> > at com.trolltech.qt.QtJambiObject.<clinit>(QtJambiObject.java:60)
> > Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Loading library failed, progress
> so
> > far:
> > Unpacking .jar file: 'qtjambi-platform-mac32-4.7.0.jar'
> > ...
> > Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to unpack native libraries,
> > progress so far:
> > Unpacking .jar file: 'qtjambi-platform-mac32-4.7.0.jar'
> > ...
> > Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: Library
> 'lib/./libQtCore.4.dylib'
> > specified in qtjambi-deployment.xml in 'qtjambi-platform-mac32-4.7.0.jar'
> > does not exist
> > at
> >
> com.trolltech.qt.internal.NativeLibraryManager.unpackDeploymentSpec(NativeLibraryManager.java:563)
> > -------
> >
> > And on 4.6.3:
> > -------
> > Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
> >
> /private/var/folders/Uf/UfZqSqB8E8SIKY7m7qyrsk+++TI/-Tmp-/QtJambi_benoitdecherf_x86_64_4.6.3_gcc-20100817-1815/lib/libQtGui.4.dylib:
> >  Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libpng12.0.dylib   Referenced from:
> >
> /private/var/folders/Uf/UfZqSqB8E8SIKY7m7qyrsk+++TI/-Tmp-/QtJambi_benoitdecherf_x86_64_4.6.3_gcc-20100817-1815/lib/libQtGui.4.dylib
> >   Reason: image not found
> > at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
> > -------
> >
> >
> > Benoit
> >
> Hi,
> Sorry that answer is this late, but myself I don’t know anything about
> Mac...
> ”I cannot try it right now, but if he's compiling 4.7 with the code we
> modified to make the generator be able to use bundles in the system, we
> haven't finished yet. Anyway, he can try to edit qtjambi-deployment.xml
> file inside qtjambi-platform-mac32-4.7.0.jar and try to correct the
> paths in there to the files inside the jar.
> Second error is that he's using my libraries that tries to access libpng
> on /opt/local (because I used MacPorts to compile them) Maybe we should
> warn / remove those libs...”
> So I think I’ll need a bit more information about your problem in order to
> get it solve solved. You can just talk to me at our IRC channel too.
> --
> Terveisin,
> Samu Voutilainen
> http://smar.fi
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