
On Friday 08 October 2010 01:38:36 Benoit DECHERF wrote:
> Hi,
> I just finish to recompile qtjambi on mac os x:

> for the compilation de qt, I use:
> ./configure -universal -no-framework -no-qt3support -release -no-rpath
> -shared -no-dbus -prefix
> /Users/benoitdecherf/workspace/qt/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-rc1
> -sdk /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/ -platform macx-g++40 -D QT_JAMBI_BUILD
> I compile it for macosx 10.4 from a 10.6. So the qt library is compatible
> with 10.4, 10.6 and probably 10.5 (I will check that with a friend)
> Then for qtjambi, I change a little the class PlatformJarTask (see the patch
> attached)
> then:
> export QTDIR=...
> ant

We’ll put this information to our building doc ( 
http://qtjambi.sourceforge.net/development/building/ ) :)
> That's all.
> With the 4.7, I do not have problems with the .nib files. (I had this
> problem with qt 4.7.0-rc1).
> Hope this help.
> I can put the generated jar somewhere on my server if you are interessed in
> test it.

Main  problem with that is that I can’t test it myself, someone else with Mac 
could be interested in about it though? As long as we get a word that it works, 
I think you’re ok to upload the package to sourceforge... 
> About the size of the generated jar, I'm not sure this is correct:
> 45M Oct  8 00:27 qtjambi-native.jar
> It's x2 compared to the linux one!
> I will be connected on the IRC for the next step -> win64  ;)

Is it universal build? If you build with debug symbols, the size should be over 
100M, so I suspect universal build.
> Benoit

Could someone send that patch directly to me again? I had some questions about 
it, but my mail client started crash yesterday and now when I’m trying to it, 
I’m just getting empty file...

First(important part) was ok though, I’d like have few comments about what it 

Samu Voutilainen

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