
For the checkStateRole, I think you need to return null instead of a QVariant()

2010/11/19 Josh Stratton <strattonbra...@gmail.com>:
> I have a simple QAbstractTableModel and set it as the model for a
> QTableView.  However, I see every cell as a checkbox in it beside the
> text.  This is unusual for me as I usually have to request it in the
> flags method (in pyqt and C++).  However, reimplementing the flags
> method and explicitly skipping the ItemCheckable flag, I still get
> checkboxes in my cells.  I can catch the CheckStateRole in data and
> return a check state, but I don't want any checks at all.  Where are
> those checks being specified?
>    public HandleListModel(Object obj, String[] handleInfo) {
>        super();
>        props = handleInfo;
>    }
>    public int rowCount(QModelIndex parent) {
>        return props.length;
>    }
>    public int columnCount(QModelIndex parent) {
>        return 2;
>    }
>    public Object data(QModelIndex index, int role) {
>        int row = index.row();
>        int column = index.column();
>        if (role == Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole) {
>            if (column == 0)
>                return props[row].split(":")[1];
>            else
>                return "ack";
>        } else if (role == Qt.ItemDataRole.CheckStateRole) {
>            return Qt.CheckState.Checked;
>        } else
>            return new QVariant();
>    }
>    public Qt.ItemFlags flags(QModelIndex index) {
>        return new Qt.ItemFlags(new Qt.ItemFlag[]{Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEnabled,
>                    Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsSelectable});
>    }
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