Hi Sacha,

On 10/06/2010, at 2:13 AM, ext Sacha Zyto wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I've been playing with QML for a few days, with great interest, and I 
> was wondering if there was anyway to debug the javascript code that I 
> write for QML app.
> By that, I mean basic debugging: Being able to set breakpoints in my JS 
> code and execute JS instructions step by step, just as Firebug lets me 
> debug the scripts I write for my html-based apps, for instance.
> I've been using QtCreator 2 beta so far, and as far as I understand, it 
> only supports breakpoints inside C++ code. Am I right ? If so, is there 
> any way to debug JS written for a QML app ?

There is no support for javascript debugging within QML at the moment, but it's 
certainly something useful that we would like to have in the future. Ideally it 
would be supported in Creator.



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