On 9/23/2010 12:09 PM, ext matthieu.riot...@skf.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I finally succeed in making "chapter6" to run. The solution was simple
> but not obvious.
> Actually, to run .qml files, Qt Creator uses an appli called
> "qmlobserver.exe", that seems to not deal with plugins very well.
> I changed the QML appli and take the one called "qmlviewer.exe" that is
> inside Qt SDK, and everything works fine now.

Huh, sorry about this. qmlobserver is a fork of qmlviewer that we 
develop within the QtCreator repo, which contains the latest 
experimental debugging features. The idea to merge the changes back into 
Qt at one time.

Now the problem is that this executable doesn't pick up the import 
plugins from Qt, which the qmlviewer (that comes with Qt) does. But even 
if we configure qmlobserver to look into the right directories, there is 
a chance that it won't be able to load these plugins, e.g. because the 
compilers that are used to build QtCreator and Qt differ. The Qt version 
/ build environment you develop with != the Qt version / build 
environment QtCreator is built with.

We were aware that this will be a problem, but so far ignored it for 
ease of development. Again, sorry about this ... we'll change this soon.



> So a new question has come up. What are the differences between
> qmlobserver and qmlviewer (especially in terms of features) ?
> Could somebody give details on that ?
> Thanks in advance, and anyway thanks a lot for already very helpful
> answers ! ;-)
> Matthieu
> On 22/09/2010, at 5:44 PM, ext matthieu.riot...@skf.com wrote:
>  > Thanks for useful link and advice.
>  >
>  > But as you well anticipated, I'm now unable to make the chapter 6 to
> run.
>  > :-)
>  > With the files as they are delivered, I've got the now usual message
>  > "module Charts is not installed"
>  > I had a look at the "app.qml" and "qmldir" files but everything's
> seems to
>  > be ok.
>  >
> The Chapter 6 project is a C++ plugin rather than an application.
> To run the example, you'll need to build the C++ plugin first, and then
> open app.qml with the QMLViewer application.
> If you are using Qt Creator, I'm not sure how it handles a project with
> mixed plugin & QML files, but you should be able to at least use it for
> the first step of building the C++ plugin, if you import it as a project.
>  > In the "app.qml" file, I tried to replace the line :
>  > - import Charts 1.0
>  > By the following
>  > - import "lib"
>  > So that it will include the "lib" folder where the plugin is.
>  >
> I'm not sure what you mean here. The chapter6-plugins/app.qml file does
> not contain an "import Charts 1.0" line, and it shouldn't have one,
> since the qmldir file is in the same directory. The projects for the
> other chapters do contain this line, because they are C++ application
> projects rather than plugins.
> regards,
> Bea

Kai Koehne
Software Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks

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