<snip, boundingRect() not working as expected?>

Ummm... sorry to add confusion, but it is possible (seems likely to me) that
I observed an "order of operations on initialization" problem ...

I've re-structured my code, and now *both* the boundingRect() and
width/height properties work properly.

In the previous implementation, I had "instantiation" combined with
"reparenting", and if the re-parenting happened before the instance was
fully constructed, then the size used during the re-parenting was incorrect
(the item later correctly resized itself after its attributes were set).
This is somewhat further complicated by the fact that setting attributes on
my QDeclarativeItem-derived types triggered signals for updates elsewhere.

It is interesting that I saw "-1,-1" for default width/height before initial
size calculations, but I suppose that doesn't matter.

So... sorry for the confusion.  This has been a (very) good learning
exercise for me, though:  I think I better understand the dynamics of the
QDeclarativeItem (QObject) world as it relates to the QGraphicsItem
(non-QObject) world.

Thanks for the help!

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