Hi Bartosh,
Mouse events in QML should be handled using a MouseArea component, and then the 
signal should be passed to the parent component when necessary. I am assuming 
you are creating a custom UI component that needs to have a clicked signal, so 
here would be a typical example:

//Example Button Component
Item {
    id: rootElement
    signal clicked
    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: {

Define the signal on the root element of the component and create a MouseArea 
where you want the clickable area, in this example I have ensured that it fills 
the boundaries of the control with anchors.fill. When the clicked event is 
detected on this MouseArea, it calls the clicked signal on the root element, 
and this can be handled in your application view in exactly the same way as 
shown in the MouseArea here.

SomeCustomComponent {
    onClicked: {
        //execute some code here

If you need control over what types of click you are handling (right mouse 
button, key mods etc) there is some good info in the QML elements docs:

From: qt-qml-boun...@trolltech.com [qt-qml-boun...@trolltech.com] On Behalf Of 
ext Bartosh Wroblevksy [bart...@live.com]
Sent: 05 December 2010 01:05
To: qt-qml@trolltech.com
Subject: Re: [Qt-qml] why does signal clicked (MouseEvent mouse) not parse


I am bit confused. why does this line not parse in QML, Qt 4.7.0

signal clicked (MouseEvent mouse)

I get this message:

Expected parameter type signal clicked (MouseEvent mouse)

How am I supposed to propagate a MouseEvent if I can't do this?


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