I need to use nested ListView in QML. In each item of the outer ListView,
named by A, it will contain another ListView B.

I can easily expose the DataModel for A from C++, but how can I expose the
list of DataModel for each B?

I have a C++ class derived from QAbstractListModel, and expose an instance
mySuperListModelA to QML for the ListView A by setContextProperty.

In the instance of this class, I have a list of another QAbstractListModel
subclass instance, but how can I expose them to QML for use by B?

I used an INVOKABLE method in class A which will return a
QAbstractListModel, and use it as the model of the inner ListView, but it
doesn't work.



import Qt 4.7

Item {
  id: container

  Rectangle {
    id: menu
    width: 400
    height: 600
    color: "black"
    opacity: 0.75
    radius: 0
    clip: true

  Component {
      id: outerDelegate

        Text {
           text: "Site Title : " + title

         Component {
           id: innerDelegate
           Column {
                   Text {    text: "   Tab Title: " + tabtitle }

    Repeater {
        model: mySuperListModelA.subListModelAt(index)   // return sub
QAbstractListModel via INVOKABLE method of mySuperListModelA
        delegate: innerDelegate
     } // Column
   } // Component

  ListView {
     id: outerlistview
     anchors.fill: parent
     delegate: outerDelegate
     model: mySuperListModelA
     opacity: 1
  } // ListView
  } // Rectangle
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