
Actually I use the code based on "http"-sample (sorry). Sample works on 6.5 Win Mobile.

My code is like the sample except the main.c, there  the lines:

  return httpWin.exec();

would be replace by lines

httpWin.StartDownload (localfile,netfilename)
Wait for ready

These could also be in another window.

The whole application has more than 150 source files. It might take sometime to build a nonworking sample.

I have an progress window for dowloading, pressing processbar kicks also the download.

The download routine is in wrong place and depends somehow on screenevents.
where to emit those, I added a timer to download and it could emit those pressing events.

We have a saying in Finland that says something like: Then beak releases, tail catches.


At 11:24 18.5.2010, you wrote:
On 18.05.2010 10:13, ext Hannu Säles wrote:

> The code is derived from the httpget sample.
> I have a so called live timer (50 times / sec), needed for polling
> devices etc.

This sounds like another problem, which isn't covered by this patch.
Do you mind to provide a sample - or does the problem occur in the
httpget sample already?

Joerg Bornemann
Software Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
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