Actually, how about something like this:

class QThread
// ...
    enum TimeUnit

    void  sleep(unsigned long time, TimeUnit units);

One could also envisage TimeUnit being in the Qt namespace rather than within 
QThread if other classes might find it useful.

On 24/08/2011, at 12:03 PM, <> wrote:

> I figure this might be the right time to scratch an itch with QThread. :-P
> It has often annoyed me how the sleep(), msleep() and usleep() functions of 
> QThread are protected and not public. A number of times I've found myself in 
> the situation where I want to call these from outside of a QThread subclass 
> and have had to resort to defining a dummy subclass just so I could call 
> them. The only rationale I can think of for why these were made protected is 
> to try to ensure that they are only called from threads that were indeed 
> created by QThread (not sure if that is even necessary for these functions to 
> work).
> I propose that for Qt5, one of three things be done:
> (1) Make sleep(), msleep() and usleep() public static functions. This would 
> be source compatible but would also allow them to be called from any thread, 
> not just those that were created with a QThread.
> (2) Make sleep(), msleep() and usleep() public member functions. This would 
> not be source compatible but it would force the current thread to be obtained 
> by calling QThread::currentThread() and then calling the sleep-related 
> functions through that. The only source incompatibility would be a static 
> function in a QThread subclass calling one of the sleep-related functions.
> (3) Deprecate the sleep(), msleep() and usleep() functions for Qt5 and 
> provide public member functions with different names, such as sleepSec(), 
> sleepMsec() and sleepUsec(). I'm not at all attached to these suggested 
> names, by the way. ;)
> Of these options, I think (3) is probably the most promising.
> --
> Dr Craig Scott
> Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
> Melbourne, Australia
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Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

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