I am trying out the examples for using a "ui" file created in QtDesigner. The UI loads fine using the examle in ui_dialog and in the package I am creating based on it.

However, I am puzzled by the documentation for the loader regarding the Find_Child procedure:

Creating form can contain child widgets. To operate with these widgets in your program you can use primitive operation Find_Child, accepting name of required
widget as an argument of Q_String type. This name must be the same with the
objectName property in designers Proprety Editor.

Self.Formal_Messages_Combo_Box := Qt4.Combo_Boxes.Q_Combo_Box'Class
(Qt4.Strings.To_Q_String ("Formal_Messages_Combo_Box")).all)'Access;

Self.Message_Kind_Line_Edit := Qt4.Line_Edits.Q_Line_Edit'Class
(Qt4.Strings.To_Q_String ("Message_Kind_Line_Edit")).all)'Access;

I don't understand the context of the examples. Should the 'Find_Child' be looking at the main (outer) widget declared in the UI and loaded by the Load procedure?

Is there a good example showing the use of Find_Child from a UI file?

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